Wednesday 29 August 2007


Which reminds me....and slightly off topic, but given that only me reads this, who cares?

Blu-ray versus HD DVD. Who gives a crap? What a fantastic idea two formats that are a replacement for DVD duke it out whilst hardly anyone buys either format and all the while things move on. It seems to me I have been listening to the whole Blu-ray HD DVD
debate for at least two years.

Just look at the crapola you have to get through to make a choice:,1759,1982533,00.asp

Fuck me, a DVD is pretty good I reckon and will do for now. So why the war over a format? Well it's obvious big companies love formats, they get control, and if they have a media arm or computer arm they think they can use this to leverage a position.

Sony is a classic example, and it generally fails. Look at its memory stick. Did Sony not realise that after about 3 or so years USB storage would cost fuck all? I can buy a 2 gig USB at my local petrol station for peanuts. No, Sony decided to try to force its device onto consumers and now its redundant. In the meantime Sony could have sold shit loads of Sony branded USB sticks to everyone and made a lot of cash.

Which brings me to HDBLUSHITE.....if the majors agreed on a format they could all get on with selling the product and making money. Instead they are infighting whilst the content streamers get a march on them. For me I'll think about DVD as a cheap method of backing up data, in the meantime I'll download stuff and stream it to my TV.

Which brings me to HD standards......


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